2024英语四六级成绩揭晓 查询攻略大放送

圆圆 544 2024-08-22 09:10:33

The question of when will the English 4-6 level exam results be released in 2024 and how to query the scores has been on the minds of many students.

Firstly, it's important to note that the release date of the English 4-6 level exam results for 2024 has not been announced yet. In previous years, the results were usually released about a month after the exam. So, we can expect the same pattern to apply this year.

To query the scores, there are several options available. You can visit the official website of the exam organizer, where they usually provide a result-checking portal. Alternatively, you can also check with your school or exam center for more information.

Remember, staying patient and prepared for the results is key. Good luck!
